WOOF WOOF HEIDI's CALLING *Heidi is coming your way, or my way? stay alert, everyone* i'm so anticipated! f.y.i, Heidi is my twin sister, she does things i normally won't do and she bites, so what's your twin's name?
MARCH 28 8.30pm - 9.30pm TURN OFF THE LIGHTS, stop your car if you're driving to promote awareness to fight against climate change,not to save energy la u bodoh
Yasmin Ahmad is the Earth Hour Malaysia's ambassador, see the interview here
Who will be participating? 1000 cities and sunway, midvalley (oh, try to be there n see what will happen!), tv3 etc i don't know what will i be doing that time tho, drinking??? or holding torch light to scare people? haha, have fun at the same time, show your love to the earth!
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
YEASH!for finish sorting out GOssip Penang pictures ! vendors, gossip crew, indie bands (awesome bands i must say), the host (JJ n Ean), concert artist n some cha-pe-lang shots are all up in slides! haa, so click urself, njoy!
It was fun working with the team although it's just for awhile: Mei Phing-wey ling-swarna-audrey-ginger-matthew n etc :D the artists are great too!!!
in one word, Party In The Park was, FUN!
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
FEED YOURSELF! stop spoon feeding & whatsoever. BUY YOUR OWN CLOTHES & CAR & EVERYTHING ELSE YOURSELF TOO and please your-so-hard-to-please parents too. hear what i mean? it's okay if you don't get it.
okay, talk about my FABruary alright, went down to penang last thurs, came back on sunday. guess what, once i step in penang i got a news from my bestie in kl, i (n ofcuz the girls) really, really will stand on your side and you'll go through it, be tough & optimistic (i know u will, that's what u show me in our chat room). The rest of us will go for a jab, n we all support u, babe. *for god sake, my right eyes r giving me signals during that days, trembling givin me hints wtf*
other than that, gossip penang is over, successfully! pictures next post laaa, im tired now, bedtime!!! *moon is smiling at me already*
love ya'll, good night. to mandy: thx for blogging so much horos for me, i know myself better now*jz check ur blog tdy, n theres so many post already, shocking*. blog more pls! lov readin dem!